Dog playing flute



Bar & Floors

Jorge Pardo conceived the Magic Megève lounge bar, from the walls to the floors and furniture. Furthermore, he created a unique pattern of tiles that cover some of the staircases in the chalet, and will also create a site specific external kitchen on the terrace. 

Pardo explores the intersection of contemporary painting, design, sculpture, and architecture. Employing a broad palette of vibrant colors, eclectic patterns, and natural and industrial materials, Pardo’s works range from murals to home furnishings, collages and larger-than-life fabrications. He often transforms familiar objects into artworks with multiple meanings and purposes, such as a set of lamps displayed as both sources of illumination and freestanding sculptures, or a sailboat exhibited as both a utilitarian, seaworthy vessel, and as a striking obelisk. Working on small as well as monumental scales, Pardo treats entire public spaces as vast canvases. He engages viewers with works that produce great visual delight, whilst questioning distinctions between fine art and design.