Dog playing flute

The Magic Collection Retreats x the Puritan experience!

The Magic Collection Retreats will be in Cannes during ILTM on 40m sailing boat, the Puritan. The boat will be docked just in front of the Palais, directly in front of ILTM

From Monday the 5th of December to Thursday the 8th of December, we will host daily breakfastsseated lunches and open houses!

The Magic chefs have flown in with us and will be preparing delicacies to enjoy on the yacht. We will also be joined by two internationally renowned artists, Gabriel Kuri and Luis Lazáro Matos, who have prepared art performances for the guests. 

This event will be brought to you in collaboration with NERO Lifestyle, Galleria Franco Noero, Galeria Madragoa, Tartuflanghe, La Sasse and Mauro Morandin.

Be part of the Art performances

Gabriel Kuri

untitled (hard fixed in care of soft moving) 

An invitation to participate in a collective sculpture of variable form made with shoes left in custody. The artist will device a simple system by which the visitors´ shoes will be incorporated into a piece of changing shape. While the visitors pace around or sit on the boat, their personal items will be left in care, purposefully contributing their shape, colour and other specific features towards a shifting punctuation in space. 

Gabriel Kuri was Born in Mexico, in 1970 and he currently lives and works Bruxelles. Focusing on the objects and space that mediate human relationships, Gabriel Kuri explores the potential for transformation latent in all familiar things and situations when observed from an unconventional angle.  Kuri draws the viewer’s attention to the dynamic and unstable space at the intersection of two opposite concepts: in the precarious and yet precise meeting of the unexpected.

Luís Lazáro Matos

The artist Luís Lázaro Matos will be present on the sailing boat, to draw, in short private sessions, each guest’s spirit animal. Guests will have the privilege of taking home a drawing as a memoir of our special meeting at sea!

Luís Lázaro Matos was born in Évora, Portugal, in 1987 and he currently lives and works in Bruxelles. His art practice is mostly expressed through drawing, sculpture, animation and installation, inherently diluting the frontiers between disciplines such as design and fine art. Matos’ general thematic focus rests on subjects concerning identity politics, queer theory, post-colonialism and architectural history.